Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 1st 2024

Your privacy matters to us

Your privacy is our priority. We have drafted this Privacy Policy in a simple and easy-to-understand language to help you know who we are, what personal data we collect about you, and the purpose of collection. We also do not collect any personal data about you except with your consent and in the manner described in this Policy.

Personal data (referred to as “data” or “your data”) means any data that would specifically identify you or make it possible to identify you directly or indirectly, including: name, ID number, addresses, contact numbers, license numbers, records, personal property, still or in-motion photos of the individual, and any other data of a personal nature.

What personal data do we collect?

How is personal data collected and what is the purpose of collection?

We shall process the obtained personal data for any of the following purposes:

What is the legal basis for collecting and processing your personal data?

The legal basis on which we rely to process your personal data is consent; we may process your personal data after obtaining your prior express consent to carry out the processing (this legal basis is only used for personal data voluntarily obtained from you. The processing required by the Law is excluded).

How do we store your personal data?

We store your personal data in a safe and reliable environment at Google Cloud Datacenters outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It uses administrative, organizational, and technological means of protection to ensure that data is kept in accordance with the statutory obligations. Data shall be destructed when the purpose of its collection is completed; such destruction shall be in a safe manner by which data cannot be accessed or restored.

What are your rights regarding the processing of your personal data?

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, which explicitly stipulates the rights of personal data subjects, we enable you to use your:

Right to know

This includes informing you of the legal or practical justification for collecting your personal data and the purpose thereof, and it also entails not processing your data later in a manner inconsistent with the purpose of its collection or in cases other than those stipulated in Article (10) of the Personal Data Protection Law.

Right to access your personal data

You have the right to request a copy of your personal data in accordance with the statutory requirements. Send your request to: ([email protected]), and it will be provided to you – free of charge – within thirty (30) days.

Right to request correcting your personal data

You have the right to request amending and updating your personal data in the event that it is inaccurate, incorrect, or incomplete. Send your request to: ([email protected]), and it will be reviewed and updated by us, and then you will be notified about the amendment within thirty (30) days.

Right to request the destruction of your personal data

You have the right to request destroying your personal data in accordance with the legal requirements. Your request shall be sent by email.

Right to file a complaint

In the event that you are unable to exercise the rights stipulated in the Personal Data Protection Law, your privacy is violated, your personal data is exposed to leakage, or when you notice any act contrary to the provisions of the Law, you have the right to file a complaint against violating parties in the Complaints Section on the Platform.

In case of discrepancy between the Arabic text and the English text, the Arabic text shall prevail.